Sondra Goldstein, PhD
Headshot of Smiling Woman - Susan Thau, Ph.D.
Susan Thau, PhD

The Living Love That Lasts film has a long evolution. Our Los Angeles Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy colleagues, Sondra Goldstein, PhD and Susan Thau, PhD had filmed, over several years, interviews with 25 couples about how their love had grown over a lifetime. When our LACEFT work group was ready for a new creative project, we decided to expand on Sondra’s and Susan’s work. Several colleagues at LACEFT joined Sondra and Susan to film an additional 30 interviews. We invited couples to tell stories of how they saw their love grow stronger over the years. Their interviews were voluntary and not part of a research project or clinical process. We just looked for couples who could share their version of how they arrived at long lasting love in the ordinary and everyday way love grows through sharing a life together.

We owe credit to many colleagues over the five years of developing our project:

Man smiling with white hair
Robert Ogner, LCSW
Woman smiling
Nancy Gardner, PhD

Project Inspiration, Project Development and Coordination & Interviews: Sondra Goldstein, PhD. and Susan Thau, PhD. ,  Project Development and Narration:  Jim Furrow, PhD. and Veronica Kallos-Lilly, PhD.,  Project Development and Coordination & Interviews:   Nancy Gardner, PhD.,  Project Development and Coordination, Interviews & Producer:  Robert Ogner, LCSW,  Profound Early Involvement, Interview Development & Interviews:

Woman and Man in headsets at microphones laughing
Veronica Kallos-Lilly & James Furrow

Karen Shore, PhD.,  June Shigeno, PhD.,  Karen Martin Fiedler, LMFT, Veronica Thomas, PhD.,  Elizabeth Shon, PhD.,  Madelyn Swed, PhD. 

Directed & Filmed By: Levi Ogner & Brian Way,  Edited By: Levi Ogner, Graphic Design and Titles By: Zoe Byrne Ogner.

Young Couple Played By: Shen and Megan Deshayne

And Thank You To All The Couples Interviewed, Especially: Efi & Miriam, Johnny & Cynthia,  David & Kitsy,  Walleed & Ferial,  Susi & Chris,  Wendy & David

Levi Ogner and Brian Way at work!

Zoe Byrne Ogner
Man with guitar
Original Music by Cornelius Sheehan, Jr.